Our structured investment approach follows a 5 step process:

We review your overall financial situation and help you discover your financial objectives. We guide you through a thorough discovery to assess where you are today and how we can help you get to where you want to be in the future.
We help you prioritize and set financial goals for the future - education costs, retirement, estate planning, business succession planning, wise investments.
We help you establish the degree of risk you are comfortable in taking with your money. Risk is balanced with your desire to make your money grow over time.

Analyze Solutions
We analyze all the gathered information, including your goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, liquidity needs, tax implications, and other special circumstances to assess your current financial situation and determine what must be done to achieve your goals. We analyze solutions, including alternative solutions, which are achievable for you.

Develop Your Plan
We develop a personalized Investment Policy Statement that is aligned with your goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, liquidity needs, tax implications, and other special circumstances unique to your situation. Your personalized plan changes with you over time, as changes occur in your situation in life.

Put Your Plan into Motion
Getting started is the most important aspect of success. Implementing your personalized plan is where we agree on how the recommendations or strategies of the plan will be carried out. Often, this can be the most difficult step, as it may take discipline and desire to put your plan’s strategies into action.

Monitor Progress
We continually monitor the performance and allocation of your investments. Every quarter we send you an assessment, including our comprehensive performance reports. In addition, we meet with you at least once a year for a formal review. This allows us to evaluate performance and incorporate any changes in your goals, income, and other personal circumstances into your personalized plan.